S1 E13: Clowns & Joy as a Form of Resistance with Ramona Flour

What does it mean to be a collector, especially when what you collect is clowns — a thing that is commonly feared or disregarded? For NYC-based sex worker Ramona Flour, her “silly little hobby” is not just fueled by her love of clowns, but by a commitment to joy as a form of resistance. In a frequently dark world, Ramona insists on making ritual space for frivolity and joy.

In this episode of When We’re Not Hustling, Jessie and Ramona talk about the origin of Ramona’s love for clowns, the act of collecting, jester privilege, masking as a survival strategy for neurodivergent people, and the importance of centering pleasure and beauty.

Ramona dives into the connections between clowns and aesthetics — especially when it comes to make-up and beauty standards — and the importance of beauty rituals that tend to get dismissed as frivolous. She reveals her various collection habits, including finding and collecting vintage porn and fetish content. For her, collecting is like a treasure hunt, and her treasures can be seen through the lens of revolutionary whimsy.

For clown lovers and haters alike, Episode 13 will reveal the art of “frivolous” joy, and its profound importance in all of our lives.

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