August Happenings on WWNH

Happy August! With the season in full swing, we’re excited to drop fresh episodes of When We’re Not Hustling and The After Party! This month features some incredible guests, and we’re eager to share their stories with you!

If you’re loving the season so far and want to help us reach more listeners, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! And as always, if you’re subscribed to our Patreon for at least $5/month, you get all episodes and After Parties a week before they drop!

August After Parties

We hope you enjoyed a month of Jessie’s mom as the After Party co-host in July. For August, Ashley Ramos — Jessie’s best friend and assistant — is joining Jessie and Emily for the After Parties! We are delighted to incorporate Ashley’s insightful commentary on the show this month! Ashley is a visual artist, poet, and activist who is currently focused on raising funds for a family in Gaza. You can check out her Instagram for more information on how to donate.

Don’t forget that you can watch the After Party episodes on YouTube or listen whenever you get your podcasts.

August Episodes

Kicking off the second month of the season, we will be joined by Jelena Vermilion — trans-femme full-service sex worker and activist — on August 5th. In this compelling episode, Jelena discussed her inspiring path from facing harassment as a trans sex worker, to suing both the police and her landlord (and winning!), to pursuing a nursing career in her mother’s honor and being awarded the YWCA Hamilton’s Woman of Distinction award.

You can learn more about Jelena on Instagram and X.


On August 12th, writer and publisher Charlotte Shane is coming on the show to talk to us about the vary dynamics of client relationships and marriage, as well as her new book An Honest Woman, which is now available for pre-order at Simon & Schuster! On my previous (and short-running) podcast Sex Industry Book Club, my co-host PJ Patella-Rey and I interviewed Charlotte about her first book Prostitute Laundry, and it was very fun to have her back to discuss the new one!

Blue Stockings is currently offering 15% off An Honest Woman if you pre-order using the code Honest<3.

To keep up with everything Charlotte Shane, you can visit her website and subscribe to her blog.


On August 19th, Amber Glow will be joining us! Amber is a disabled full-service sex worker and a passionate disability justice advocate. In this episode, we discuss her tireless work in disability activism and the transformative practice of sexological bodywork. Amber also shares her insights on being practical when manifesting your goals. This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

You can find Amber on X and Instagram.

Rounding out the month, Maiia Bates will be on the show on August 26th. Maiia has been a cam model and content creator for over 10 years and brings a wealth of insight and experience to the show. She opens up about her challenges, including divorce and burnout. Yet, her story doesn’t end there — she’s also started an all-woman construction business that caters to women, the elderly, and disabled folks!

We are also proud to announce that Maiia’s episode is the first one to be sponsored by a listener! Mary Dealing, who has been one of the biggest fans of the show (we love Mary!), offered to sponsor one of our August episodes, and when I gave her a choice of topics she shared that her father was a contractor who taught her and all of her sisters how to use tools. She was very excited to help get the word out about badass babes with tools! She even shared this picture of the toolbox her father made for her over 50 years ago! This convergence is something special!

Thank you, Mary, for sponsoring the episode! We appreciate all the support we have gotten for the show, both with Mary’s contribution and with the folks over at Patreon. As always, we could not run this show without the support of Assembly Four.

Other News

If you enjoy the podcast, you may also want to be on the lookout for Jessie’s weekly sex column, Pillow Talk with Jessie Sage, which comes out every Thursday at Pittsburgh City Paper. In the piece that came out this week, I even managed to work in a quote from one of last month’s guests, Aviva Ruse!

Also, in August Jessie will be making two trips! She will be in Cleveland, OH from August 8-11, where she will be offering duos with her great friend, and former WWNH guest, Lucy Bloom. She will also be in Atlanta, GA from August 22-25. If you’re interested in seeing her there, or in Pittsburgh in between, you can reach out at

The last announcement for now is that in September, When We’re Not Hustling will be partnering with Working Girls Press and Stay Gold Books in Regent Square to bring you the first live event, which will be a book launch panel for The Holy Hour: An Anthology on Sex Work, Magic, and the Divine. The event will be on Saturday evening, September 28th, followed by an after-party (a real party, not an episode!) If you’re not in Pittsburgh, book your tickets, you’re invited! More information will be coming in the near future!

Speaking of books, here are the guest recommendations for August!


SLUT’s Anthology, by Michelle Tea

Autobiography of a Face, by Lucy Grealy

Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the 21st Century, by Barbara Carrellas

And of course…

An Honest Woman, by Charlotte Shane

Prostitute Laundry, by Charlotte Shane



Azealia Banks


Tom Wates

Blossom Dearie